
S1 E2 - S01EP2 - 15 May 2017 - Memory Device - Memoria Podcast



Once upon a time, my memories were stolen forever... When I scroll through photos on my iPhone, it helps me remember the little moments that pass a day, like a photo of my favourite meal, or a photo of a sign to help me remember an event. Plus all those big moments, like my trip to Malta, my mother's birthday, or, when a friend visited from Paris. The other day I found a silly selfie of my face, taken in the midst of the flu with my nose, bright and red and my eyes watering.  Do you use your smartphone to help you remember? I do. But are our gadgets substituting our memories and our ability to hold onto those precious moments inside the filing cabinet inside our brain? Gadgets are getting smarter; they are the keeper of memories all stored on a nifty device that fits in the palm of your hand. Which is great, until you lose your phone, drop it or someone steals it. But you back up your phone. You do back up your photos, right? Once upon a time, I didn't back up my phone.... Acknowledgements Memoria is wr