Company Of One With Dale Callahan

168: Making Money in a Crisis – Turning Lemons into Lemonade [Podcast]



Making money in a crisis might sound counter-intuitive - but be clear that there is always an opportunity to serve. A crisis is no exception. So if you are willing to serve others and looking for ways to start making money in a crisis - you are in the right place. But I know what you are thinking. Making money in a crisis is just plain greedy. Others need FREE help. Maybe - but before you judge too quickly, listen in.   Making Money in a Crisis (Podcast Outline) Money is NOT always the issue.    It is OK to charge people during a crisis. Many have the means and want your help. There are unique opportunities while people working from home: Babysitting Pet care Tutoring (any subject, any grade) Helping those with health care needs - Diabetic or other issues Food delivery Errand running Showing them how to use tools such as Zoom etc. - Art teacher could not use virtual tools, so had to cancel classes.  Setting up in house workstations - computers, desks, etc. (VPN is a term some ar