Company Of One With Dale Callahan

111: How Much Money Do You Need to Start a Business? [Podcast]



How Much Money Do You Need to Start a Business? The typical thinking is that $100,000 is needed to start a business. But in reality, the typical startup spends significantly less. In this episode we will explore ideas to get your business started with little or no investment. Money Plan to Start a Business [Tweet "It costs less than $10k to start a business. #entrepreneur #startupcost"] No one ever really asks "How Much Money Do You Need to Start a Business?" - instead they just assume that is it some figure such as $100,000. Define why you need money Equipment and tools Pay yourself and your team Marketing How to do it on the cheap - Equipment Rent or borrow Use what you have already and add as needed Team Building Hire on a project by project basis Do not quit your day job yet Manage the cash flow Marketing Be OK with growing slow Engage current or previous customers for referrals Use sweat equity Avoid the two lies of business startups You have to invest in things to grow Debt is normal Lis