Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Coherence in the Chaos



Greetings, Sister,I come to you this week with Clear Eyes and a Clear Heart. Integration week was highly potent for me. I went all the way Inward and allowed myself to be dismantled and re-membered.Communing with Goddess as she In-formed my purpose and prepared me for surrendering the totality of my Being to Her Use.Wherever you are on your journey right now, whatever level of action, reaction, despair, or hopefulness you are in at the moment… there is Food for you here.Soul Medicine for you and for Us.As we swirl in the chaos of civilization-level reorganization, we are faced with conflict and division, terror and rage, anxiety and malaise.Have you noticed how nearly every conversation you’ve been having lately feels like you are speaking a completely different language from those around you? Even friends, sisters, partners, members of your tribe, mentors and teachers, institutions you have previously been in Resonance with and trusted for guidance - are no longer places you are finding wisdom and comfort?Di