Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Bonfire of the Vanities



Welcome to The Burn. No, I don’t mean Burning Man… (although a big salute to our Sisters who braved the Playa for community, expansion, and epic personal expression.)What I mean is the Bonfire of the Vanities we currently find ourselves sitting in the center of.Ego dissolution is the name of the game at the moment, and it is both unprecedentedly liberating and also crushingly daunting and disconcerting at the same time.It feels like we are being asked to give up SO MUCH.If I’m not THIS thing, THESE ways, THOSE familiarities - Who Will I Be?When I admit that a whole chunk of my identity is actually now obsolete, how do I not condemn myself for having gotten it WRONG all these years?Is there ANYTHING we get to hold onto as we get melted down and alchemized into (fingers crossed) a Higher Version of ourselves?Lessons in Dying is our Wild Soul Medicine for today.As we attempt to humble ourselves, let go again, and surrender into the intensity of the unfoldment…We can hold on to each other.Standing here together w