Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

All Together Undone



I refuse to participate in my own enslavement so I’m Coming Undone.The Time of our Re-wilding has come.Our Souls cry out for liberation.Our bodies yearn to dance in the freedomof the Divine Feminine.The Tide is Rising.We are called to light a matchto old paradigm patriarchal structuresthat no longer serve,in order to make wayfor the New and the True. A movement is afoot and your Presence is required. It is time to BE Real. To stop talking about the return of the Feminine and instead to Embody Her.It is only through Experience that we can begin to know ourselves at the deepest levels. Through engaged participation we align our energies behind that which we are truly a stand for. The congruence of the outer and inner worlds is our bridge to freedom. Humble and stripped down, we lay our egos down and invite our Soul forward in our Experience. Hearts pounding and spirits rising, we eye the edge of the abyss knowing that we are already leaping. On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today we reopen the doors to the Woman, Co