Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Expanding Our Range



I’ve missed you… and I haven’t. I’m excited to be back with you today… and I’d rather do a million other things. I’m interested in what has been transpiring for you… and I don’t have an ounce of bandwidth for it. For months I have been straddling the both/and in a really uncomfortable way. It’s like I’m fully Here AND fully There. SO. MUCH. GOOD is happening. Mysteries, downloads, sacred re-memberings, magical experiences, miracles a minute. AND epic betrayals, senseless violence, deep disappointments, and grueling interactions with obsolete structures... The volatility between the channels is so swift and resounding it feels like being in a riptide churned round and round while being bashed against the sharpest rocks. The New Earth is here. The codes have been activated, the up level has begun. AND The Old Structures are still in place. The 3D density of the World Past still stands in our midst. It truly is a time of straddling a range unlike any we have ever been called to span before. The highest highs an