Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England




In January of this year, I was blessed to begin a deep personal walk with a beloved Soul who desired support in exploring Divine Union. Each week for 9 months we convened for the deepest Soul work. We excavated the layers of disconnect, compassionately tended the wounded places, and adventured into the mystery of Becoming. In the process, she navigated a conscious divorce, left her home of 13 years, activated her sacred gifts of seeing and healing on cosmic levels, and had the exquisite experience of really meeting Her Self as the light of a Soul she is. As with all Divine Unions, we set out with a loose vision and continued to follow where the path led. We sat with the discomfort, embraced the hardness, and held hands at the edge of the abyss. And somewhere along the way, we fell in love. With ourselves, with each other, and with the Divine In Us and As Us. As it turns out, we are meant for each other. On Wild Soul Medicine this week, I introduced you to this magikal, playful, light-filled Being who is some