Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Clarity in the Mist



This week I find myself feeling deeply grounded, boundlessly expansive and so, so clear.My mid-wifing culminated Monday with the single most important Soul reclamation of my journey so far. Since the show last week I have been reveling in the mystery, wrestling with missing pieces, sleuthing emerging threads, and Returning myself Home.I hadn't even really had words for the shift since then. Just silence and Arrival.The seed of my Soul... finally, finally Here.At peace. In love. As love.This, Sisters. This.I woke early yesterday to a magical fog blanketing my sacred land. It beckoned me to come be held in its wisdom.As I rested there, I found the perfect balance between simultaneously experiencing the vastness AND the focalization of All That I Am.I want this for you. I want it for Us.For each one of us to Become a beacon of light in the darkness. To find our Selves and know our Selves at the deepest levels.To shaman our own Souls.On Wild Soul Medicine this week, I showed up for one of the deepest Soul Convers