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Zoom w/ MIFF 2020 Critics Campus



In this feat of Zoom sound art we chat to MIFF’s 2020 Critics Campus - all 8 of them - to discuss everything but MIFF 2020. Topics include the hologram of Philip Seymour Hoffman in Casper, the 1973 film Duvidha, Mandy/Midsommar/Suspiria, cinema as hypnosis, Elizabeth Debicki witnessing a car crash irl, wall projections of films, Sims cinema, and pretending to be Agnès Varda. This year’s MIFF Critics Campus included: Isabella Mahoney @izsbiz Shaheen Ahmed @Aakori_Baakori Angus McGrath @ExCbr Annika Morling @itsoverannikan Bruce Koussaba @garbadiive Michelle Wang @_mwangx Merryana Salem @akajustmerry Jack Rowland @jackrowland_