Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Health Freedom



Health Freedom  We must preserve the right to choose what we put into our body...  This video is not meant to diagnose or treat or cure any illness, condition or other disorder There are state and federal bills being introduced that will affect your health and freedoms Health laws aren't always good and some of them are not created for the good of the patient What if you were asked to eat or take something you're allergic to? What if it could harm you? Picture somebody mandating that you take the very thing that could harm you or even kill you! We have rights and are supposed to be protected by HIPPA, Informed Consent and other laws Take a look at the NVIC website to see what health bills are being considered in your state or city Don't just take the word of "experts" on TV about any medical procedure or remedy. Research it. All humans should retain the right to refuse medical treatments, especially if they can harm them We must oppose bills that would negate exemptions and fight to retain our health freedom