Starseed Radio Academy

Meet Our New Team of Astrologers



We are so happy to introduce our new team of seasoned astrologers to you!  They've all had extensive astrology training prior to joining us, and now they've completed their starseed astrology training.  They've been doing a fantastic job with us for over 6 months now, helping to reduce our waiting time for readings.  Now they're ready to offer more of their services with our Stage 2 readings, which are the live sessions.  We're fortunate that they each have something unique to bring to starseeds, and as we introduce them to you, they'll talk about their individual strengths that can help you get to the next level.  Since we've just given them the additional training for doing the live sessions, they don't have waiting lists yet.  You can visit our site: and then click on their page to read about their work.  We have Carol, Emerald, Miyara and Riley joining us tonight, and we are so proud of the work they're doing, empowering starseeds to better serve the planet.  Since Lavanda