Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

The Prostitute & The Empowered Whore



We all prostitute ourselves. When we trade our integrity and inner truth for money, security, power or attention, that is our inner prostitute. Prostitution in this transpersonal sense has more to do with selling our worth and values than it does with selling sex. In fact for some, like the late Shannon Williams, being a whore may even be an empowering act of self expression and civil disobedience.  The prostitute, the victim, the wounded child and the saboteur are four shadow archetypes we all share. Archetypes are universal, inborn models of behaviors, or roles we play that influence human behavior. The concept of archetypes was introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who suggested that these universal forms were aspects of innate human knowledge passed down from our ancestors or existing as configurations of consciousness in the transpersonal realm. The motives that drive these powerful dynamics provide important information about where we need to grow and heal.  Carolyn Myss - Sacred Co