Shahzad Sheikh

PopBangColour Draws my 1984 Celica Supra [while we talk Toyota]



Ian Banu-Cook of PopBangColour draws me and my 1984 Celica Supra as I remember back to the early 90s when I had this car, and we talk Toyota past and present.   Watch the video Legendary automotive artist Ian Banu-Cook of PopBangColour has been doing a series of automotive artworks dubbed #ContinuousCars. He recently drew this image of me with my old Supra from the early 1990s, as a part of his series in which he doesn't lift the pen until he has finished the initial sketch - hence Continuous Cars Drawings.    He does these live on his Instagram page while chatting to someone live - check them out at   Don't forget to follow him and subscribe to his channel  Amazing artistry, fun convo - I just had to repost the original Instagram video here with Ian's kind permission. Hope you enjoy this video!   Links mentioned in this video:  O