Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Are you living a life too small for you? : Amber Sandberg: 228



Have you ever wondered if you are living your life to your fullest potential? Do you ever feel like you are playing too small? You see people out there doing big things and you know you have it in you to do something but you feel too scared? Today I am going to talk to you guys about figuring out your "second act"! Sometimes it's easy to over look what your talents are, and it can leave you feeling like you don't have anything special to offer. But if you can think about the things other people compliment you on or ask for your help with that will give you some insight to what you may be good at.  It's so much easier for others to see our talents then it is for us to really see them. Also 2020 was challenging for most of us and you might feel like your progress got stalled or maybe you didn't even begin what you were hoping to start, maybe you feel like you even went backwards but I wanted to encourage you to think differently! What if we weren't "starting over", what if we were just picking back up where