Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why setting boundaries are important: Whitney Caves: 227



                              Are you a people pleaser and feel like you just can't say "no"? Today we Whitney Caves, a licensed professional counselor on the show to talk about, people pleasing, saying "no" and setting boundaries.  Whitney shares with us that she feels like it can be destructive when we try to do everything and always say "yes".  We talked about when we actually say "no" to opportunities even if they are good opportunities it leaves space for us to say "yes" for even better opportunities.  I like how she mentioned that when we take on too much it can start to feel like an obligation.  We know that feeling, we might be saying "yes" but our gut is saying no but we don't want to let someone down or come off rude and so it's important to know we don't have to please everyone and quite frankly we can't please everyone!  One topic that stood out to me are boundaries and why they are not wrong, bad or mean and that they actually protect the people and things that matter to us the mo