Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Raising a rebellious teen in a Christian home: Ginger Hubbard: 226



Are you having a hard time raising your teen? Today we have Ginger Hubbard back on the show to share with us her journey of being a rebellious teen to becoming a Christian at 18. If you listened to Ginger's last episode 148 you know that Ginger is a Christian author and speaker so to hear she was a rebellious teen was quite surprising. So when she shared her story how her parents became Christians when she was 18 it truly changed her life drastically.  Starting at the beginning of her senior year she decided to move out because she didn't want to follow the new rules that her parents were putting in place and that was just the beginning.  Instead of her parents shutting her out they kept encouraging her to come back home and kept sharing their faith with her.  Eventually after some major decisions she made in her life that she came to regret she decided to come back home.  One story that stood out to me is when  her dad came into her room and said "little girl I need to ask you for your forgiveness, I have b