Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Managing loneliness series: Finding Community: Lindsay Young: 224



Has it been hard for you to build community during lockdown? Today we have Lindsay Young back on the show today to talk about building a community during a pandemic. Lindsay shares with us what it's like to move and cultivating a community before lockdown and how she would of done somethings differently if she had known what was coming.  We talked about how if she would of known that 9 months after moving that there would of been a pandemic that she would of focused less on work and more on building friendships and creating a community for when times were tough.  Lindsay shared with us that when reaching out to friends it's really good to ask specific questions, vs. just saying "how are you?", to ask "how can I pray for you?" that way it let's your friends know that you really care about their answer and that you are special to them. In the past Lindsay and I always talk about self care and so we touched on this topic again because it's super easy to put yourself at the bottom of the list when you are feelin