Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why LEGO is such a great toy for your kids: Warren Nash: 221



Does the thought of your kids playing with LEGO seem daunting to you? Today we have Warren Nash, author of LEGO with Dad on the show today. I wanted to start off the year with a fun and lighthearted episode. Since most of us have kids learning remotely and being on screens all day I thought it would be great to talk about why LEGO would be such a great toy for the kids to play with.  Warren talks about growing up with LEGO and now that he has a son he has a whole new view on these bricks.  He mentions that LEGO bricks can really help kids with being creative and it can be an endless source of imagination.  He also points out that it's also a great way to spend family time.  Warren has a book called LEGO with Dad as well as a YouTube station and so if you are looking for some fun builds make sure to check that out, all of that info. is in the shownotes!  One things that stood out to me is his thoughts on sets vs a box of random bricks. Hear what he says about this topic and more on the podcast. "My Favor