Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

BEST OF: What is carb cycling and macro management and how can it help you lose weight: Part 2: Amanda Nighbert :218



Have you been wondering what all the talk about carb cycling means and why so many people like to use it for weight loss? You’re in luck, this was one of the most downloaded episodes and so it made the "Best Of" list!  Dietitian Amanda Nighbert is back on the show for part two of our “Lean with Amanda Nighbert” series. In this episode you’ll find out: How carb cycling benefits your metabolism How controlling your carbs can help manage your insulin If a diet low in carbs is right for you The difference between carb-cycling and low-carb diets (like Keto) …And more! If you liked this episode make sure to check out episode 217 where we talk about Intermittent Fasting :  Can intermittent fasting help you lose weight?   Retrain your body to be a fat burner, rather than just a fat storer. Don't wait till Jan. 1 to get back on track, you can join Amanda's next session Dec. 28th! Click on the link (with a $10 discount make sure to use referral code MOM)* Sign up for LEAN program