Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

BEST OF: Love your life not theirs: Rachel Cruz: 216



Is comparison stealing joy in your life? So Rachel Cruz's episode from 2018 is one of the most downloaded episodes for the Mom Inspired Show so I am kicking off December "Best Of" with her episode. If you missed it the first time around I know you will enjoy this. If you have already heard this episode, I find when you listen to something more than once you learn different things since you are in a different phase of life than when you first heard it! Rachel and I discuss everything from how comparison is killing us,  and that social media makes it super easy to to feel like we don’t have enough!  Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media wishing you had a different house, maybe you feel like you are the only one that doesn’t go on vacations as much as you like or have fabulous friends?  Rachel shares with us that she too can fall into this trap. She shares a story about coming home from a vacation and then getting on social media to find someone that she follows on Instagram on vacation and