Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Keeping our sanity during the holidays series: Daily Routines : Tracy Nolin Beerman: 213



What mini habits can you put in place to help you through the holidays? Today we have Tracy Nolin Beerman on the show to talk about the daily routines that she has implemented in her life to help her feel her best! I wanted her to come on to give us some ideas on how to best set up our day to feel less frazzled!  Tracy is going to share with us 4 simple daily practices to help busy moms. The first practice is walking, not only does it do your body good but it also increases cognitive performance in the brain and reduces stress.  She shares with us how she does a 30 minute walk especially out in nature and how it does wonders.  The second one is yoga, and bare with me before you blow this off. She talks about how yoga helps connect our mind, body and soul, she has been doing it for 30 years and finds that she always returns to the mat. She shares with us that she has ADD and it helps her to be still and calm her mind.  She keeps it to a 10 minute routine, and it helps lubricate your joints. The third practice