Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Discovering your personal style: Allison Hamilton-Rohe: 211



Do you find it hard to figure out what your personal style is now that you have had kids? Today we have personal style coach Allison Hamilton-Rohe on the show to talk about starting a business as a mom and why she chose being a stylist! She wanted to create a process to help women figure out their personal style.  She was sharing with us that one of the biggest obstacles that many women face is that were believing that it is suppose to be effortless.   So then when it's not effortless we feel shame around the way we look and that were suppose to look a certain way and know how to do this and we are left feeling helpless.  Allison mentioned that American women tend to have bursting closets and yet feel like they have nothing to wear, who can relate to that one?  She encourages us, to let go of the things that don't look good or we don't wear and stop buying things that don't work for us.  I asked Allison if she could pick one store to shop at and why, this is what she had to say, Nordstrom. The reason why is