Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Are we oversharing our kids lives online? Elaine Kasket: 210



Have you ever wondered if your kids like their information and pictures posted online? Today we have psychologist Elaine Kasket on the show to talk about sharenting and online privacy and how she learned the hard way that her daughter didn't want her life documented online!  We live in a unprecedented time in technology and we have to make decisions that our parents didn't have to even think about.  If you grew up in the  80's and 90's we didn't have little computers in our pockets that we now call cell phones, we barely even had flip phones.  There was no Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, YouTube to post our information to.  When our parents wanted to share pictures they would have to carry them around in their wallet, or mail our school photo or baby photo to our family members and friends. Elaine shares with us that our kids lives are being shared online before they are even born by posting sonogram pictures.  Elaine tells us about her journey being online and how much she was sharing about her daughter from th