Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How a stay at home mom became an inventor: Marcy McKenna: 209



How many of you have all these amazing ideas and would love to see them come to life? Today I have stay at home mom turned inventor Marcy McKenna on the show.  Marcy shares with us how moms have some of the best ideas out there and that is why she is so passionate about helping moms with making their inventions a reality! Marcy can speak from experience, she has a travel line on HSN and she has had to figure out a lot of things to get to where she is today.  Marcy mentioned to me that she ask the question "why are women not  inventing" she thinks they are afraid of the process, so it can seem scary.  Not only that it's a male dominated industry and so it can feel intimidating as well you have to worry if someone is going to steal your ideas! Marcy talks about how women can be perfectionist and so they are really good at starting a product but may not finish because they want it to turn out perfect.  She wants to help women overcome these challenges and teach them to take the risk! One topic that stood out to