Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Helping our tween and teen girls with today’s struggles: Emily Ley : 206



Do you feel like your daughter is facing impossible expectations? Today we have founder of the brand Simplified Emily Ley on the show.  She shares with us some tactical tips on how to make life easier for our daughters especially during COVID.  For example, making their bedroom a sanctuary and creating a space that they can get away to from the rest of the world. Why it's important to teach them boundaries with people and knowing what to look for in a good friend.  As well as having difficult conversations with someone that might of hurt their feelings.  Emily also talks about dealing with "mean girls" and how to identify those characteristics and distance yourself from those girls.  Emily shared with us how to give our daughters undivided attention while making it practical and teaching them life lessons yet making it fun and creative.  One topic that really stood out to me was when Emily shared that one of the biggest gifts we can give our girls is being a soft place to land and allowing them to come to us