Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How bankruptcy turned her life around: Taunya Woods Richardson : 205



Are you feeling stressed out with money esp. during COVID? Today we have financial strategist Taunya Woods Richardson on the show. She shares with us her story on how she had to file bankruptcy and how that dramatically changed her life for the good! Taunya goes over the five financial pillars we can follow for sound money management as well as important money lessons we can pass on to our kids.  Also, she talks about being open with our kids and sharing our money mistakes with them and why that is important.  One topic that really stood out to me is when Taunya talked about financial legacy and how we can be passing on certain things to our kids unintentionally when it comes to our finances.  Lastly she shares with us what she feels is one of the most valuable life lessons we can teach our kids when it comes to money.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did with Christina Lynn:  How do moms take care of themselves fina