Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Navigating the start of the school year during COVID-19 Jenny Stemmerman: 201



Are you feeling super stressed with the decision you are making or made about what kind of schooling your kids will do this year? Today, we have Jenny Stemmerman back on the show to talk about being a mom during a pandemic with school age kids! We have a casual conversation about what its like with trying to figure all the school stuff with COVID. That so many moms are stressed out trying to make the best decision for their kids and their families and how its really taking a toll on their emotional health.  She shares with us that she has created a "Back to school guide" with 8 different areas of life for kids and how to think through how you are supporting your kids in each area: Faith, Friends, Health, Money, Family Education, Personal Responsibility, Fun. Jenny also works full time and discusses what that will look like for her to figure out how to carve out time to homeschool.   One story that stood out to me is when Jenny mentioned that she is nervous about homeschooling, does she have the patience, can