Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Homeschooling 101 series part 4 Shannon Carpenter: 197



Are you trying to figure out if you want to do private homeschooling vs. online learning through the public school system? Today I have Shannon Carpenter from Heart of Homeschooling back on the show.  I wanted to talk to her about choosing curriculum's.  I know so many parents who have decided to do remote learning are trying to figure out if they want to do their own thing vs. remote learning through the school system so that they can have more flexibility.  So Shannon shared the curriculum she has used over the years.  She suggests doing a learning style assessment and factor in what personality do your kids have. Are they organized and structure or loose and flexible? Also to consider what season of life are you in and what is the personality of the mom. She shares with us that some curriculum work better if you need your kids to be more independent say you are really busy and don't have as much time to sit down with them vs. picking a different curriculum where you are more involved.  Also,  she suggeste