Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Homeschooling 101 series part 3 Shannon Carpenter: 196



Are you considering remote learning for this school year 2020/2021, and feeling anxious on what that might look like? Today I have mom of 7 kids Shannon Carpenter from Heart of Homeschooling on the show.  I asked her what does she recommend to moms that are considering if homeschooling is a good option for them?  Shannon also shares with us how important it is to build a community around you if you do decide to homeschool.   She also mentions why it's good to create some quiet time for yourself so you can feel rejuvenated before your day starts and take in the quiet before your kiddos wake up! I also asked her about setting up the house and the best way to organize our space for home school.  One story that stood out to me is when she mentioned that a rigid schedule for example doing 30 min segments were not working well for their family.  That loosening up the routine truly helped!  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode make sure to check out the first 2