Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Homeschooling 101 series part 2 Erin Barry: 195



Have you ever wondered how do you organize your day when you homeschool, even when you work outside the home? Today, we have Erin Barry back on the show to talk more in depth about homeschooling and what that looks like.  We dive into the advantages of homeschooling at each age level, what do co-ops look like and how socialization works in regards to building a community for your kids and yourself!  Erin also shares with us how you can make subjects that are non traditional activities count as credit. She also mentioned the importance of having a routine and schedule even if you are more of a free spirit kind of person that it still makes a huge difference for the family!  She emphasizes that you can be flexible but its good to start off with some structure.  One point that stood out to me is when she mentioned that having structure it actually gives you the freedom to be creative. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode make sure to check out the first epis