Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Is this the new normal? Jennifer Thompson: 193



Do you ever find yourself saying is this it, is this our new normal? Today, we have Jennifer Thompson back on the show and we talk all about quarantine and what that looked like for Jennifer as well as what life is looking like as we come out of "shelter at home".  She shares with us how she started cooking more with her kids and some of the fun recipes she has fallen in love with. We chat about COVID birthdays for the kids and what that looks like and how birthday parades became a "thing"!  We talked about what has been challenging during all of this and how Jennifer has been making time for herself with the help of her husband! One topic that stood out to me is when Jennifer said that we need to show grace to others right now, that we don't know what other people are going through and it's easy to judge what people are doing.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out this episode with Natalie Hixson, where she talks about being tired of