Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Black lives matter, starting a conversation: Angie White Stone: 192



"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."- Maya Angelou Today we have author Angie White Stone back on the show to have a peaceful but honest conversation between two moms about what is happening right now.  I wanted to pick her brain on how do we start taking steps, even small steps to move in the right direction especially with our children. What do we need to do now so that our kids don't have to do this 10-30 years from now.  Angie shares her story on what is was like growing up as the first black family in her neighborhood and how that shaped her today.  I talked to her about feeling like it's easy to say the wrong things and how that could prevent people from saying anything at all.  Also, that this will not get fixed overnight and hopefully we will see all of this change in our children's generation. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you want to check out my first interview I did with Angie, click here: