Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Parenting Boys and Loving It: Monica Swanson: 191



Do you ever wonder how you could be a better mom to your boys? Today, we have Monica Swanson on the show and we talk all about being a boy mom! Monica shares with us what its like raising 4 sons in Hawaii.  She talks about building relationships with her sons that last and what does that look like. We talk about raising boys to have their own personal faith as well as navigating the teenage years. One topic that really stood out to me is when Monica shared with us her experience with pornography and what she has taught her sons about this topic and how she monitors that on their devices. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the one I did about raising men not boys with Mike Fabarez: Raising Men Not Boys     "My Favorite Things" Segment: -Enneagram Courses with Beth McCord the Enneagram Coach Discovering You Course When you understand what makes you (and those around you) tick, you can: Break free from the mundane St