Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Navigating Uncertainty, Inspirational Ways Moms are Living Through COVID-19 Series: Lindsay Young :188



Since COVID-19 hit have you found yourself making different decisions in regards to your health? Today we have Lindsay Young back on the show and we talk all about taking care of ourselves.  Even when the quarantine gets lifted everywhere we still want to stay healthy. Lindsay shares with us some things that are key in order to best take care of ourselves.  The first things she talks about is sleep and how good quality sleep is essential for a healthy immune system.  As well as moving daily, reducing stress and eating a healthy diet so that you can get a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Lastly she talks about gut health and how up to 80% of our immune system is in our gut! One topic that really stood out to me is something I have noticed for myself personally and how going to sleep before midnight makes a huge difference. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. ⁣ If you are on a health kick and want some inspiration, make sure to check out my recent series I did on how I lost 50l