Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why praying is so important: Kristen Pardue: 181



How has your prayer life been lately? Today we have Kristen Pardue back on the show to talk all about prayer!  Kristen shares with us why it's so important to pray.  One story that she shared that I truly loved, was how she explains what it is like to pray to help her boys. She said that she tells them that it's just like talking with your best friend or Mommy.  I loved how simple she breaks it down for them so that they don't feel overwhelmed.  She mentions that elaborate prayers can feel so intimidating and it truly is just a conversation with Jesus.  Kristen shares with us that last year was really hard for her and her family that they went through a lot of trials.  That everyone has hard times even if social media doesn't show that part.  One story that I really enjoyed was how her son was healed and how God showed her in a dream what was going to happen!  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you want to check out another episode with Kristen, check out episode 166 https://mom