Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Simplifying Series-Kids Stuff: Stephanie Sikora: 178



Do you feel overwhelmed with all the kid stuff? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show for part 2 of our simplifying series! Today we will be chatting all about kids stuff and how we can start minimizing the clutter. Some of the topics that I wanted to talk to Stephanie about were school photos, family photos and portraits that might be large and what in the world are we doing with them when we don't want them on the walls anymore.  Stephanie walks us through how she handles this issue with her clients and challenges us to really think about our purchases.  People are getting these huge photos and then storing them in their basesment where no one can see them. So let's be more intentional with what we bring into our space and how to manage it.  What do we do when Christmas and birthdays come around and we are bringing in a lot of stuff, do we get rid of stuff before they get more stuff.  What to do with our kids clothes, do we donate, sell, or giveaway?  One interesting topic is selling clothes and