Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Simplifying Series-Papers : Stephanie Sikora : 177



Do you wish your life was more simple? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show to do a 4 part series! I thought it would be great to have her back on the show in time for Spring cleaning.  I truly believe that the more simple we can live our lives the less stressed we will feel.  Many times it can be very overwhelming or feel chaotic because there is just so much stuff in the house and that alone can feel so stressful! This week we are going to talk about paper and how can we limit what we keep vs. what we get rid of.  One topic that I really loved is when Stephanie shared with us what she does with papers that need to go back to school. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   Similar to getting your house in order, you may be struggling to get your health in order. If you want to check out my series on losing weight and needing some inspiration, make sure to check out my recent series I did on how I lost 50lbs in 10 months.  I also share products that I used and still use to