Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why dreaming big feels so scary! Beth Troy: 176



Have you stopped dreaming big because it just feels way too scary? Today we have author and professor Beth Troy on the show and we are talking all about dreaming big even when it feels super scary! Beth shares with us how she had to learn how to live with both her dreams and life in both hands. All too often I think it's so easy to think that dreams and real life are to be kept separate and we really need to live with both of them together!  We can get so caught up in our kids lives and making sure that they are going after their dreams that we forget about dreaming for ourselves. When is the last time you thought, this is a dream I want to go after. I think it is so easy to not even think about dreaming too big because we are afraid it won't happen.  Beth shares with us her journey of making her dreams come true writing her first book and what she learned in that process.  One topic that stood out to me is when I asked Beth what her advice was on helping her kids dream big.  Hear what we have to say on this