Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

What to do when life feels hard! Suzanne Banker: 174



Does life feel hard especially at the beginning of a new year? Today we have Suzanne Banker back on the show and were talking about how the new year can sometimes feel super hard because we have such high expectations!  We talk about how easy it is to get super excited before the new year to have all of our goals and dreams written out but have it look so different when life gets in the way! Have you ever noticed that some people look like they have everything easy, and it seems like they are able to stay on top of things while being successful?  Suzanne shares with us how it's easy to just see the good things in people's lives and not really know what is truly going on behind closed doors.  She opens up about how it has been a hard start for her this year but yet people wouldn't really know that if they were to just look at her Instagram feed.  It's so easy with social media to feel like everyone has it together, but what you don't see is the hard work people are putting in day in and day out, and picking th