Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Is your business making money? LuAnn Nigara: 171



Have you started a business and struggling to make it successful? Today we have LuAnn Nigara on the show and she is talking about her experience as a business owner as a mom.  LuAnn shares with us her thoughts on why our business might not be making money and the 5 things we might have missed. She also talks about how we might be missing the mark when it comes to serving our clients and are we really providing a good client experience?  She also shares with us how it's important to have core values in our business and how do we go about figuring that out.  One topic that stood out to me is that we need to be leaders in our business even if we are a team of one. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Did you hear my recent series on how I lost 50lbs in 10 months? Even if you don't have to lose weight but want to get healthy, this is a perfect series to listen too. I go over what I did, how I had to change my mindset, my journey of "just showing up" and doing it even when it wasn't