Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Scaring my wife, laughing so hard my abs were sore and a great podcast recommendation EP 120



Can you remember the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt the next day? What about, the last time you were overwhelmed with an emotion like gratitude, joy, or elation? I can remember times in my life where my emotions were so muted, I thought my ability to feel truly happy was gone forever. The crazy thing is, I didn't even realize I was settling... Emotionally. In other words, I thought I was happy. I thought I was feeling my feelings. I thought I was grateful. I didn't know that I had gotten so used to stuffing or avoiding my feelings that numb became the norm... And that's without the use of drugs and alcohol! For example, I have a friend of mine that often says her life is at an 8, right after she tells me how depressed she is. She is unaware her 8 is really a 3 or 4. Many people are just like my friend. They have a disconnect between their perception of how they're doing and the true emotional dysfunction they've become so accustomed to. On another note, if you'd like to get some perspective o