Major Crush

S4 / EP 6: Destined For Grapeness



Hey everyone! We're kind of excited because WE GOT NEW RECORDING EQUIPMENT for our show! It's been a long-time coming, but we finally found a system we can take with us on-location that we do hope will improve your listening experience! It's a lot more complicated than our old setup, so we thought it would be smart to do a simple Mere & Lou exchange to get the hang of things, but we also wanted to invite you into our world, too. Mere is going for her Level 4 Certification with the Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET) and so she decided to share some of the things she's learning with you, and talk out the realities of the wine industry with her buddy, Lou. We want everything we do at Major Crush to invite people in, not make people feel left out or excluded, and the truth is, the wine industry can be so tricky at times it can seem exclusive. But the more you know, the better, so this episode is all about how anyone can set their gauges for "grapeness!" As promised in the final bumper of the show, we'v