10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Simple 4 Step System that Gets Top Podcasters to Pitch You with Melanie Benson



In this episode, Melanie Benson shares her ROCS Method (TM) for getting top podcast hosts to pitch YOU - to be on their show! This is a must-listen episode for any entrepreneur who wants to get featured on more podcasts, vidcasts, and livestreams.  [About] Melanie Benson, Authority Amplifier, helps expert-preneurs stand out in a crowded market and attract high paying clients and opportunities. Melanie has a proven track record of accelerating results for her clients (it's not uncommon to see 3-5x revenue increases in the first 6 months.) She’s host of Amplify Your Success Podcast, is author of Rewired for Wealth, co-author of of the best-selling Voices of the 21st Century and Entrepreneur.com’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business, and has been featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Woman’s Day, and Parenting. Melanie served on the Women Speaker’s Association Executive Team. Access her Top 10 Revenue Rush Strategies at MelanieBenson.com.  [10-Minute Challenge] Use ROCS Method (TM) to