Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast

Can't Steal My Joy: Facing Unexpected Heartbreak – Bekah Bowman



How do you stay grounded when your life path takes an unexpected turn? Is it possible to hold pain in one hand and joy in the other? This week on the podcast, Bekah Bowman is sharing her journey of finding beauty and goodness amid unthinkable loss and grief.Bekah is a coach's wife and mother to two boys, Titus and Ely. She served as a children's pastor and teacher until Batten disease came knocking at her door. Facing the heartbreak of a fatal diagnosis for both children, Bekah journeyed through dark valleys of death and grief. But it's been in these deeply broken places that she’s experienced Jesus in a whole new way.If you are in a season of mourning or struggling with the heaviness of life, hear where Bekah has found hope and joy. Be encouraged to see wholeness in cracks, courage in the broken-hearted, and bravery in the act of letting go.Read Can’t Steal My Joy: The Journey to a Different Kind of Brave.Find Bekah on Instagram and Facebook. Questions or comments? Email Crystal at