

How would you like to save $17,776 on your next home purchase? I’ll tell you how in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 77. So how would you like to save $17,776 on your next home purchase? I’ll tell you how today, and it’s so easy it’s actually extremely surprising that more people aren’t doing it. I’ll tell you all the details in just a minute, but first I want to take 30 seconds to mention a “Secret” side of real estate that most people don’t really have any idea exists: something called LOAN BROKERING, where you bring real estate investors (and those investors CAN be you, by the way) and loan money together and charge a fee for being the guy (or gal) in the middle. It sounds easy, but most people get hung up on that “bringing loan money to the table” part. Thanks to an in-depth training provided exclusively to REI Today by a super-successful investor and loan broker, however, I’ve got a pretty key insight into how to get that money to the table and more money in your pocket as well, whethe