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The DOWN-AND-DIRTY TRUTH about the GETTING PAID TWICE Training | Episode 65



Wouldn’t you like to know how to GET PAID TWICE on certain real estate transactions and, if you preferred, how to invest in real estate without ever actually owning any property or even getting close to a closing table? As you might imagine, the truth of this matter is a LITTLE DIFFERENT than the hype. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll give you the down-and-dirty truth about the getting paid twice training today, in Episode 65. So we’d all like to get paid twice on every real estate deal, right? Of course! It’s like killing two birds with one big real estate deal stone. And it’s not really that complicated, either, as you’ll see in a minute. Today, we’re going to closely examine the TRUE STORY about a guy who IS getting paid twice on basically every deal he does and we’re also going to expose what it did to his business in the process. I’ll be honest here: this episode is not going to be what you expected, so buckle up. Before we get into any down-and-dirty exposure, though (hey, clean it up, we’re talking reporting he