

How would you like to know the 23-word combination that is yielding SERIOUS LEADS from Craigslist for real estate investors? If you are not effectively leveraging the GOLD MINE of deal and funding leads that is available on Craigslist, then you’ve got to get them. I’ll tell you the combination and how to use it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 64. --- So wouldn’t you like it if you could copy and paste a certain combination of words into your local craigslist posts and immediately start hearing from motivated buyers, sellers, and investors who all were hoping to work with you? If you had money to fund deals and good deals coming out your ears, don’t you think you could work with that? I know you could and more importantly, you know you could! We’ll get to that 23-word combo in just a minute, as well as a little tidbit about just how FAST this sucker works sometimes, but first, I want to mention something in the news that is really important for real estate investors today. You know that