

How would you like to be WAYYYY better than Donald Trump at lending money in the real estate sector? If beating a billionaire at his own game sounds good to you, then you’re going to love today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 63. --- So how would you like to learn how to lend money in real estate for way better returns than Donald Trump is getting in HIS most recent lending foray, and without having to be a billionaire first to get started? I’ll tell you all the details in just a minute, but while we’re on the topic of everyone’s favorite (or favorite to hate) republican presidential candidate, I’ve got some other interesting news to share. The Donald is starting to see some fallout from his outspoken ways that never really bothered anyone before he took on the 2016 presidential race, and a certain high-profile owner of a certain condo in TRUMP PALACE has announced he’s dumping his property and taking a loss just so he can stop (and I quote) “spitting” every time he “hears, sees or says” the nam