

How would you like to know an OUTDOOR UPGRADE that one of America’s BIGGEST LENDERS says can net you 100-200 percent ROI upon completion? I’ve got all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 62. --- So would you be more likely to install a certain popular upgrade if you knew that an actual lender – one the biggest in the country, no less – had specified that this upgrade was likely to garner you 100-200 percent ROI upon completion? I know I would! I’d break out the mortar, or the paint brushes, or whatever it was I needed for sure. And since I suspect you feel the same, we’ll get right into that in just one minute. Before we do, however, I’ve got to mention a little something about higher education. Turns out, people with bachelor’s degrees are way, way, wayyy more likely to own their own homes than those with high school diplomas and G.E.D.s. You can check out the hard numbers behind this in our News & Networking section, by the way. But more importantly, this touches on someth